Lily Dove

Sometimes you will find me out at sea, collecting data about Earth’s oceans. Most of the time, you can find me working in slightly more comfortable environments.

I am a seagoing oceanographer studying the interactions of physics and biogeochemistry in the Southern Ocean. Currently at Brown University as a NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow, I work with Mara Freilich and use data from underwater autonomous vehicles, satellite data, and idealized numerical models to understand what role the ocean plays in our climate system. I am interested in how mesoscale and submesoscale dynamics affect the efficiency with which carbon dioxide can be transferred from the atmosphere to the deep ocean. Overall, I am fascinated by all things related to environmental science and am thrilled that my job is to ask and answer questions about the amazing planet we live on.

Outside of the lab, I use my scientific training to investigate ways to make geoscience more equitable and regularly participate in outreach at local middle schools to help increase the accessibility of oceanography. I am also an avid reader and baker and am always looking for my next cookie recipe!