
Teaching EEPS 1510 (Atmospheric Dynamics) at Brown University

I taught four weeks of the Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics course at Brown in spring 2024, covering fundamental forces, stability, advection, and reading weather maps. By featuring a “Meteorologist of the Day” each class session, students were introduced to the fantastic people at the center of atmospheric research.

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Mentor for WAVE Fellows at Caltech and Leadership Alliance REU students at Brown

The WAVE Fellows program at Caltech and Leadership Alliance REU at Brown seek to foster diversity in science by increasing the participation of students from marginalized groups. I have had the honor of being a mentor for two phenomenal WAVE fellows, Ellie and Taylor, both of whom were sponsored by the Resnick Sustainability Institute. In summer 2021, Ellie calculated estimates of the eddy subduction and mixed layer carbon pumps using data collected by a glider and a biogeochemical-Argo float as a part of the Southern Area Large Ocean Carbon Experiment (SOLACE). During summer 2022, Taylor worked with glider and satellite data to describe the structure of the fronts in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at Drake Passage. I also mentored Maggie Gonzalez at Brown during the summer of 2024, investigating biogeochemical properties of Antarctic Winter Water from BGC-Argo floats. I am so grateful to have been a part of their scientific journies!

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Guest Lecturing for ESE 1 (Earth’s Climate) at Caltech

I was thrilled to teach the seciton on oceans for Caltech’s introductory climate class for undergraduates, ESE 1. We talked about the ocean’s overturning circulation, gyres, oceanic heat transport, and the biological and physical controls carbon uptake and outgassing. Lots to cover in just a few weeks! I was honored to recieve the Richard H. Jahns Teaching Award from the Caltech Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences for my contributions to this class.

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Teaching Assistant for ESE 102 (Earth’s Oceans)

I came to graduate school expecting to study atmospheric chemistry but this class played a huge role in sparking my interest in oceanography! I have had a wonderful time TAing the class for two years in two very different classroom experiences - one in-person and one virtual. My experience with being on the teaching staff for this class has contributed to my Certificate of Practice in Effective Teaching at Caltech.

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The Great British Baking Show as an Educational Framework

My officemate at Caltech Harrison Parker is both an awesome atmospheric chemist and also a fellow baker. We were talking one day about how structure of The Great British Baking Show offers a great metaphor for higher education and is a perfect starting place for examining the frameworks we set in place for our students. We created a presentation that we have now given several times in academic settings that describes, with this metaphor, how by creating a more welcoming, inclusive, and transparent environment in the classroom, we can raise student motivation, increase academic rigor, and improve the educational experience for all parties.

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